Friday 21 August 2015

The Bottleneck Effect/Question

The Bottleneck Effect/Question.

When we do now refer, and to speak of the Bottleneck Effect/Question, and with it said too, an Addressing problem and that does face or plague, a said Computer's CPU that is, is to now too though, say it all a problem too, and that does in all even speak, and of the said Design of African Cities, and if not in speak too, and of the said connecting that is, and of differing African Cities that is.

Sunday 12 July 2015



When we do speak of the name of Oggun, we are in all even now referring, and to speak of Africa's said only true Religion, and with it being Voodoo too that is [and not Vodou, Orisha, Orisa, Ancestor Worship, Yoruba, Ifa etc.].

That Voodoo, now does ask of us in all, to in all even truly perceive our said World that is, and not in speak and of Measurement in itself, but in speak now truly, and of Partiality in itself that is. In all, Voodoo, does in all even ask, and of said African Perceptions in all, and of what a Black Cat, or Black Dog, is simply said too. 

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Holographic Internet

The Holographic Internet.

In now saying that, the future of the Internet, can be said Holographic, and in helping Address many an Issue in all, is to now ponder too perhaps, what Holography in all, or Holograms too, do truly stand for, or represent for too that is. That what in all, are Holograms, or Holography, simply said in all all truly about? In best grounding it all, and in speak of the Experience, is to now too, associate, the everyday Experience, and with Causality too, and if not in speak too, of said Physical Reality that is; for Physical Reality, and as versus that too simply said Holographic, does in all even tell us that, Natural Healing, and from a said even serious Disease or Wound too perhaps, is believed in all simply said not real, possible or probable too that is.

Saturday 25 April 2015



In a World today, and as simply described Scientific in its ways, the very false belief that, life is in all ruled over or determined too that is, and by speak of Indeterminacy, and as versus speak too now, and of Intermittency truly that is.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Meroitic Kings

The Meroitic Kings.

When we do in all speak, of the Meroitic Kings, we are now and in all even referring to, the very known/said fact that, the History of the Meroitic Kings, does in all even not speak of Ancestry, and one said Nubian too that is. This is said too, and all because, most Africans today, do in all even distinctively create Identity, and in speak of Ancestry that is, and as versus speak now too of, Roots, Origins and Descent too [and in speak now too, and of why Nigeria for instance, is considered a place or Country of considerable interest that is, and by some too, and in speak now and of the very word/term of Etymology that is].

The very rise of the Meroitic Kings on the otherhand, should in all even not be associated in all, and with speak of the above that is. For the History of the Meroitic Kings, is complicated in its ways, for it is known to refer, and to speak too of 12th Dynasty Egyptian History, speak too of Greater Ethiopia, and if not of Greater India too that is.

In saying that the Meroitic Kings in all, did in all have a Maritime Identity to them, is to now point at the very belief that, they did in all even create Identity, and that did in all even speak of the very word/term of Fortune/Fortunes that is [or speak too, and of the very belief that, being African in all, or one said born as such, does actually speak of one and as said truly Fortunate too that is]. In all, something not too easy to in all explain to another, and other than point out to the very fact that, the History of the Meroitic Kings, does not in all even speak and of what one could term Africa's past, and which does in all now, does best speak and of either 'Great Zimbabwe', or in speak too now and of the City of Memphis and in Egypt too that is.