Tuesday 3 March 2015



If one was to be asked, what an Arc, does truly speak of, and not refer to, for the latter in all, does speak too of the Address that is, one then, could in all even say, it does truly speak of the Operation/Operability that is. That in speak of Operability, and not the Address truly either, an Arc in all, is believed capable in all again, and of simply representing just about everything to be seen/found out there that is. That it in all, the Arc, does speak too of Tallying and Money for instance, of the Breakdown, of Scalability in itself, Functionality too, Leveling, and if not speak of addition and subtraction, and of multiplication and as viewed and in speak of speed/direction, and of division and in speak of velocity/connect that is. In many a way, the Arc in itself, is believed said capable in all, and of representing just about anything, and in speak of Operability/Operation in itself that is.

If however though, the Address, is said to speak of Theoreticism in itself, and the Arc, to speak of Practicalism in itself too, and in now saying that, if the Arc is said to Be, what then is simply said Is? In regards to this matter, the very belief now that, Is, does in all even truly speak, and of Invisibility in itself that is.

In all, speak now and of the above, and as believed said to refer, and to speak too of a Primal Instinct, and in speak now, and of the search for a True Self, or speak too, and of the very definition and of Pertinence in itself that is.