Wednesday 11 March 2015



In speak of Arcs here in all, rather than talk in all, and of Divisibility too that is, it is truly best, and to speak of Invincibility in all. That in speak now of Internet Africa too, Invincibility, now does speak too and of the said Image in all, and if not in the said Rotational too, and that we do in all hold in our Heads that is, and as truly said representing, and for what we do in all truly aspire for that is. In speak of one and as said as such, in Meditate in all, and as holding such a said Image in all again, speak now too and of Invisibility, and as referring and to what is believed said to manifest in all, and from speak of the Invincible, and as furtherly referring too, and to the speak and of the very extents in all, and of the Human Experience that is.

In all, Invincibility here, and as said to basically refer, and to speak too of 'Toute le Monde' that is.