Wednesday 25 March 2015

The Cosmic Christ

The Cosmic Christ.

The Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ, is a work in all, and that does differ and from others too, and by the same Author, Tau Malachi that is, in that, his other said works, do in all even refer and to speak too of Greek/European Religiosity in all, while the above posted work, and as said to speak too of the Kabbalah, now does approximate in all, Kabbalistic traditions, said Egyptian too, but that are in all even believed said truly Nubian, and if not in speak of Ancient Nubia too that is.

In having said that, is to now speak on the very belief that, most today, are simply believed said unaware in all, and of History in itself, and in speak now, and of the very manner in all again, our World, is said to have come to be. That this does not in all only speak of simply how the Internet in all again, did actually come to be, or speak too of the Invention of the TV, but that in all again, it does now speak of the very belief that, Survival on Earth today, has come down in all, and to our stringently in all even, Addressing many an issue/matter, and that does in all even speak of a Spirituality in all, and that does speak too of Unconscious States that is. In all, the believed said here, entering in all, and of many an Unconscious State too that is, and that does in all even speak and of many a said answer or solution, and as in all even said coming by ones way that is, and in speak of the final Picture in all, and as said held as an Image, and in ones Head/Mind too that is.

In having said all this, is to now too present the very view that, Social dynamics in all, and outside Africa, do differ from those in Africa, in that, those outside Africa in all, are built and on speak of Social Tensions that is, while speak of Africa, now does speak too and of Social Displacement that is.